Not even chocolate cake

We walked.

Just walked.

No words, lots of grumps and shrugs.

We walked with the dogs. He even manages to grump with them, pulling at the lead.

Maybe a treat would help unlock this conversation.

Coke and chocolate cakes – seems to have worked for years.

In fact we started while he was still in a pram. We sat in the coffee shop for over three hours. Chocolate cake in hand I fed him little peices and and every time said chocolate cake. Then it happen, his first words, “choc-choc-cake”. Brilliant Dad win.

But this time even chocolate cake does not seem to unlock a conversation. I drop in a couple of crafted coaching questions… nothing. No, more than nothing, anger, pain and a silent scream so loud that it hurts.

We walk home, still nothing.

But we have walked it out.

In the house, back hiding in his phone.

Then dinner, a bit lighter.

The evening ends with laughter and a hug. I tuck him in and pray for him, a privilege, given his teenage years.

No resolutions. Maybe another day? But at least we walked it out. At least I did not push him into forced talking.

This parenting thing is tough, but good.